Saturday, 30 June 2012


Ready, Aim, Smile.

This weeks PHOTO UP! is dedicated to one of my friends. Because she found wine glasses in her house. Which may sound extremely random, but it was a big achievement for her. You just have to trust me on this.


Friday, 29 June 2012

Midnight Minute

Your only happy when I'm wasted, I point my finger but I just can't place it, feels like I'm falling in love when I'm falling to the bathroom floor. I remember how you tastes, I had you so many times lets face it!!




Ahhh my word it's so HOT. Not the best day to go down to london in a big leather coat! :((

Stupid iPhone lied to me said it was gonna rain, I went out in shorts, leggings (which were taken off because of the heat, vest and a massive coat! Only to be stuck on the underground in blazing heat!!

Anyhow I know it may not seem like it but I really really love the weather at the moment so amazing!! I love waking up to the lush sunshine even if it id at 6 am in the morning its sublime!!

I can't wait for the real summer to being!! Bring it on.

Hope your having lush times,
Much love


Sunday, 24 June 2012

Sunday Best

This weeks Sunday Best I am fashioning a beautiful 'Pippa' look a like dress in navy.

Very beautiful dress. Wish I knew the designer.

Designer: Unknown
Shop & location of outfit: Debenhams, Oxford Street

Much love

Friday, 22 June 2012

Monday, 18 June 2012

Where We Wally's Wonder

Wally & Welly. May sound offences but its completely innocent. Just a simple pet name for me and one of my closest of friends. Passers by looking at me oddly when I scream at the top of my lungs "WE LOVE WALLY" and by friend shouting "WALLY LOVES YOU". Odd you say? Welcome to the wonderful life what happens whenever I see this beautiful person who without life would be dull.

Everyone has that friend who your allowed to scream abuse to and you'll still be best buds the next day well the 'wally' comments are our abuse and she is one of my newest best friends. She is new exactly for about 3 years now, but no one has replaced her as the 'new' best friend, to be honest she is a hard person to be compared with and is definitely one of a kind.

Ahhh crap. This is a such a gushey love post about her. Well to bad. Normally I would stop while I am ahead but normally I would be sleeping at 03:46.

I always feel like I need to constantly give myself the 'bad friend' award because as much as I love love love her I really honest to Gosh never see her and it is my fault countless times she arranges outings and meet ups but I always find myself tied up with something, which normal ends up being extremely boring and I end up missing really funny moments.

So part of the reason I am blogging this is because I read somewhere or was maybe told 'write whats important' and this is to me one of the most important things maybe ever! (Okay not ever) - but you get my drift.

Oh and bonus for me I'm meeting up with this delightful creature I call Wally!

Sleep tight

Thursday, 14 June 2012


I'm really sorry, I know that this is late and over due.

13:16 - 13:20
Okay I'm not even there yet and I text my friend to confirm which carriage she needs to get on. Her response don't get on the train! Hopefully no more hiccups. Looks like we're gonna be half an hour late.

14:31 - 14:36
Okay at finally here. And it's really rather boring. Starting to wish I had come at a much later time. Like ten minutes before the show would have been good.

19:05 - 21:14
Showtime, it is deferentially something to do with the atmosphere, because I saw the show 3 times today and when those dancers had an audience they gave it there all. It was actually rather brilliant. All the dancers involved should be really proud whether they be the performers or the choreographers . It was all amazing the only downside was there was no bar/cafe open.

Links to the photography and film will be on a following post.

Hope everyone else has had a lovely day/ evening. Sweet dreams where ever you are. Love.


Is shopping being killed?

It is probably just me but I really hate not knowing exactly what your gonna get when you buy it. I don't know why but for some unknown reason it really bugs me. I hate catalogue buys and I refuse to buy anything other than films and music online! It really kills shopping and exploring and getting really lost for just a few minutes. Seeing what the kooky little shop has in stock and what they are seriously lacking. It makes shopping no fun, which is I think why I hate it so much. When I go shopping with my friends they know what they want to buy because they already looked at the website the night before and I'm stand there like a fool thinking "weren't we suppose to be going shopping together" the art of shopping has died. Even my own mother has been lured into this madness and she can barely use the Internet. It is utter madness!

So to everyone that does this and you do do it, next time you go shopping, actually physically go shopping! Wonder around the shop, get lost, go into that shop no one goes in, hunt around! After all that is what they are there for and who knows maybe you'll find some beautiful treasures.


Thursday, 7 June 2012

Tomorrow is finally coming

I feel like I have been waiting a lifetime for the show day and now it's finally here I don't want it to be. I will be writing a post throughout the day and will take lots of photos. It should be up tomorrow night.

If your not busy tomorrow night, come along. See the queens jubilee post for the details.

Anyway good night all, have the sweetest dreams.


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee

Some people love it. Others tolerate it. Me I have mixed feelings. Britain does have a slight tendency to go over the top just a bit. As a country we are all a little but overly emotion. When we celebrate we celebrate! And when you mourn we act like its the worst thing that had ever happened. The events the weekend however was not just about celebration for the royal family. Please take time before you go to your dreams and send well wishes and prays to the Duke of Edinburgh, the royal family and any one else who has a loved one in hospital. Anyway back to happier news I am going to Bond Street next week to be one of the first people to see my cousins wedding dress. I can not wait. The wedding however is not until summer next year due to the Olympics being here in the UK. Anyway on Thursday I am going to rehearsals in Bethnal Green for a show that is taking place on Friday. Presented by One Youth Dance the show is called Perceptions. A link will be below to the Facebook event, all the details can be found there.

And Kylie was rocking that pearly queen outfit - with the jacket, she should not have taken it off! Also the amazingly sung version of  West Side Story's Somewhere a Place for us, The Queens Diamond Jubilee - beautiful just beautiful - the link will be below, deserves a listen.
One Youth Dance's Perceptions
Somewhere - Renee Fleming & Alfie Boe

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend/ begin of the week doing whatever you were doing. 


Monday, 4 June 2012

Monday Music

Happy Monday! I want you all to go and take six minutes of your busy lives this week a listen to any song, any song. If you actually listen to the lyrics they will one day sound even more cherished when you hear them randomly. Do it, it will make you feel good about your day even for a few minutes.
All Time Low's, Do You Want Me (Dead) from their album Dirty Work is my Monday Music. Comment below what song you chose. 

Love SHJ

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Is everyone getting engaged or what?

Okay here's what's what. Does everyone have to get engaged at the same time, is there an unwritten law that at least two couples in every family have to been engaged together!!! First cousin 1 gets engaged, about seven months ago (and the proposal was longer over due) and then cousin 2 decided to pop the question to his girlfriend. It's not that the people getting married don't deserve it, they probably do love each other. It's just that as a family member there is an expectation of you to go the wedding and all the festivities that come with it.

Now I may be sounding bitter or some what rude and bitchy, but I really despise society for making everyone in my family think that I am 'odd sheep' for not jumping for joy at the announcement of a engagement! There is only so much "Oh, how wonderful" you can hear until you get sick of it, right?

Anyway I'm done complaining. Here's a pretty picture of a bride and groom.

More bridal fun to begin as of next Sunday!

Life Time - 30 in 10

30 things that need to be done by the time your 30 - (shorter way of putting it "30 in 10")

Now I'm only 20 years young but I believe that everyone should have dreams to catch with a good time space to reach them in and to me ten years seems like a good time space to me.

Number one: (dreaming big here) complete at least one novel and get it published!
Now realistically this could never ever happen, and in my reality I will never get the time to actually complete an entire novel but there is that little chance that I will and there is that even smaller chance that people will want to read it and that is what I am hoping for, so my fingers and toes are all crossed a thousand times over!

Friday, 1 June 2012

Midnight Minute

So today's minute I'm gonna explain what a midnight minute is. I'm not promising you this is gonna be daily, weekly or even monthly but if ever I'm up (which is 90% of the time - I'm a night owl) and something amazing and out of this world* is on my mind I will tell you about it.

What has everyone done tonight then?

*random thoughts that come to me

Hello Everyone!

A big hello to all you gorgeous people out there. I'm new to being a blog nerd, but I promise you that is what I will become! I have started this to avoid writing posts on social networking sites, so in a way this is my version of an anti - social networking phenomena (which I doubt will ever happen). I hope to keep this updated frequently and will be posting soon!
P.S. award yourself ten points for reading this post!
Steffie Hope